Consultants List

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The Institute is often contacted by professional bodies, firms and individuals seeking advice regarding the nature, technology and problems of the paper, printing and publishing industry. To meet this situation the Institute has in the past maintained a list of qualified members practising as professional consultants from which enquirers could select someone likely to be able to help them.

It is hoped that the provision of this database will result in the Institute being able to offer a fuller and more professional service overall. However both the Institute and its consultant members, while seeking to ensure the accuracy of all the details given in this database, cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions, nor can the Institute be liable for any damages arising from the actions or advice offered by its consultant members.

When dealing with any client, the consultants listed in this database have agreed to abide by the following Code of Practice. Any alleged failure to comply with this Code should be taken up with the consultant concerned and, failing a satisfactory outcome, then be reported in writing to Secretary General of the Institute. This Code means that all registered IP£ consultancies have agreed to:-

1. conduct their business in a professional and efficient manner, with due regard to all relevant law, and in a way that upholds the reputations of the industry, the consultancy community, and the Institute;

2. provide clients with clearly written terms of reference, covering the scope and expected benefits of any assignment, all fees and costs involved, the payment terms agreed, and an estimate of the time required;

3. be certain of their consultancy's capability to perform any assignment they may take on, and to decline work that the consultancy is not fully competent to handle, within the terms of the project;

4. carry out all work in a forthright and diligent fashion, keep confidential all information gained about a client's business, and not disclose, nor allow any disclosure of the same without the client's prior agreement;

5. maintain effective contact with a client throughout an assignment, and be ready to declare immediately any financial or personal interest that could affect a consultant's judgement or the relationship;

6. refrain from any attempt to influence a client's staff to change their employment unless that formed part of the agreed terms of reference;

7. be ready to terminate any assignment if, during its course, their own or the client's capabilities become materially impaired for any reason;

8. render any final report clearly and promptly so that the terms of payment may be met in due time.